Colin J wrote:
Photography is a craft.  Digital imaging is a
science.  Working at a craft is infinitely more
satisfying, and I think it's a lot more fun. Working at science is just a chore.

Bullshit and crap!

If film scratches your itch, fine! If it's digital, fine! Both, fine!

These are personal judgements and you entitled to hold them and state them

But universal judgements of this nature are just PLAIN STUPID and this is obviously true that I can't hardly be bothered to justify it.

Working digitally is a science BUT mixing chemicals in a darkroom isn't? What could actually be MORE scientific than varying exposure times, mixtures, etc. in a darkroom to achieve a desired result?

Please, if you want to rehash the film/digital argument at least come up with some more original and convincing.

Keith McG

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