On 3/28/06, graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am in the US, and formerly a telecommunications technician*, and I
> knew what the term POTS meant. So what?
> * also formerly a wireman (electrician to lay folk), electro-mechanical
> technician, mechanic (auto, truck, heavy equipment, and industrial),
> truck driver, salesman (real estate, automobiles, retail), electronics
> technician, computer technician, quality control supervisor, 4x4 shop
> manager, library binder, compositor (typesetter), pressman, engineering
> technician, security guard, bicycle mechanic, commercial photographer;
> all paid positions at the journeyman level or above. As well as a dozen
> other things, either paid at less than journeyman level or as a hobby.
> Never could stand always doing the same thing (probably a major mistake
> on my part).

About the only thing I ~don't~ see in there is bike messenger.  <LOL>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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