Nothing like experience to well educate someone. Education is only only of real value when it's applied in a practical manner. Waving it around like a cheerleader's baton, OTOH, it might come down and hit you on the top of the head.

Tom C. (drosophilar)

From: "K.Takeshita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Bailing out.
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 16:56:52 -0500

On 3/29/06 4:38 PM, "graywolf", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am not educated at all, I dropped out of school in the tenth grade.

Breathing some fresh air here.
You certainly seem to have a lot of practical knowledge about many things in the "real world" which was obviously "earned" by yourself and became part of
you, not superficial one, having to consult to with dictionary and internet
etc to sustain the debate.
My respect, sir.


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