From: Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bailing out.
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 22:05:46 -0800

The schmuck tells you all that he deliberately tried to insult me, I responded with something funny, and I'm the bad guy. The lack of any humor, or any cleverness, whatsoever in these attacks is pitiable, not insulting.

Schmuck? I think the list would disagree with you on that. I detected little humor at all from you when this got started. Do you perceive yourself as the attacker or the victim?

I don't talk about things that I know nothing about, or spout pop philosophy in the name of "wisdom", or stand on a box proud that I have devised an opinion based on nothing but my lack of education or, what did he call it?, "journeyman level" employment credentials. You want to debate endlessly the cost of putting an aperture simulator into the next generation camera? Fine, go right ahead, I won't quibble with your meaningful treatises on that subject at all.

Nor do any of us talk about things we know nothing about. The fact that someone may 1) have a differing viewpoint than yourself, or 2) someone may express themselves in terms that don't meet your criteria for a serious discussion, or 3) someone may know less about a certain subject than yourself, doesn't mean the person is uneducated, know nothing about the subject, is unintelligent, or even wrong.

Frankly as I go through life I keep coming to the conclusion that *some* of the most "educated" people are the least intelligent (at least they appear that way). Some tend to get so wrapped up in their own credentials that they stop thinking any further and become close-minded to the diverse and valid viewpoints held by others and blind to the fact that we are all different and the world would be a pretty boring place if we weren't. There is quite a lot that can be learned in other ways than having a formal education.

I did actually study Latin, I did actually study Philosophy and General Semantics in the course of my education, along with a lot of other things. Not only that but I remember the subject matter, I didn't burn it out of my synapses with pot or coke or beer or endless partying. My degree is in Mathematics, and I have worked in Science and Engineering for over 20 years. I enjoyed the efforts of all these studies and that work: love working with the ideas, the concepts, love learning new things. It is with some pain that I read the emails tortured with "good old boy bumpkin philosophy" and half-formed thoughts, so I did my bit to interject some reasoned discussion. I'm sorry it offends your tender sensibilities, but of course I'm an arrogant snot because I'm not part of the sacred good old boy club of pentax lovers, or was it "the stink of darkroom smell lovers"? I don't know anymore, you've confused me.

That's fine that you studied all those things. I don't think anyone would dispute that. It doesn't make you smarter, better, or superior to anyone else on the list. And even if you inherently were, you do little to help the perceptions being made about you by coming across that way (and this way).

But I do find it humorous around here. And I do try to be helpful. Even if you don't appreciate the help, or the subtlety of trying to tell someone he's blowin' smoke out his behind without wanting to say out loud, "You're talking nonsense."

You have been helpful. Your nonsense is someone else's sense.

Tom C.

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