
I like the original better.  This one is too dark, and
for some reason it makes the color unappealing--it
reminds me of Philadelphia air on a really hot, sticky
July evening.


--- Tim Øsleby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have done a makeover on the Aristocrat in red
> picture. 
> This is a sandwich of three different exposures, all
> from the same
> standpoint, and from the same "session". 
> The result is a "new" head ;-) and a improved(?)
> composition. 
> This is the first time my hands have become dirty
> from working in PS. 
> So I would really appreciate some comments on the
> result. 
> Whatdoyuahthink? 
> What about the photoshoping, anything I could have
> done better or different?
> Does it look "real"?
> And is it an improvement? Or could I have saved me
> the trouble?
> (The original is at a thumb below the picture for
> reference.)
> A lot of questions, but isn't that what life is,
> questions?
> Tim
> Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
> Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large
> crowds 
> (Very freely after Arthur C. Clarke, or some other
> clever guy)


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