> From: Bob Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/04/04 Tue PM 12:25:22 GMT
> To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Subject: Re: copyrights
> One problem is that this is an international list and laws are  
> different in each country.  For the sake of this discussion, we need  
> to limit it to the country in which the photograph was taken, I'm  
> assuming the USA.
> In your case, Godfrey, the applicable law would be that of the Isle  
> of Man.  I assume they follow UK law?
> Bob

A lot of assuming going on here.

> On Apr 3, 2006, at 7:18 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
> > Again, I am no lawyer and have little to gain from pursuing a  
> > specific opinion on this matter. I'm interested in that I'm showing  
> > and selling photographs that contain people, as do many other  
> > street photographers who publish their work. I know that the vast  
> > majority of that work is sold without releases for the people in  
> > the pictures.
> >
> > So here's a situation that comes straight home to me. My current  
> > exhibit (on display until April 16, btw, if you are local and want  
> > to go see it...) has several pictures of people in it. The pictures  
> > are, in essence, about them and the city I photographed, Ramsey on  
> > the Isle of Man. I have no model releases for any of these  
> > photographs. They were intended to be used for display and sale,  
> > editorially and as art but not in advertising.
> >
> > The Isle of Man Examiner, when informed of my show, did a feature  
> > article on my show (see http://www.gdgphoto.com/ramsey/yank/) and  
> > chose a couple of the photos to present in the article. They never  
> > asked me for releases, never went to the people in the photo for  
> > releases to the best of my knowledge. I will assume that they know  
> > what they're doing with regard to liability and releases.
> >
> > How does this differ from me taking the same photograph(s) and  
> > making them into T-shirts for sale to those that like them?
> >
> > Godfrey
> >

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