On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 17:28:38 +0100, Perry Pellechia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Boy, the crap we have to put up with this list is starting to pile up.
 If its not the potty mouth Brits, it the stuck up Canadians.  I wish
we can put you all on a space ship and send you to Uranus.

For once I wish we could stop all these assinine puns. or not 8-)

Not a hope. The fundamental problem is that the PDML has a bottomless pit of terrible puns. There is no end to it. It's a pain in the ane. But so what? It's cool to be cul. I con-fesse I rather like flogging these things to death. Burrowing into the arsenal to see what's there.

And how appropriate for a list dedicated to a maker of proctoscopes.

Anyway, time for supper, and a nice bare, sorry, rare rump.


On 4/4/06, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>Do we have a Subject Line Hall of Fame around here?
>>>>>>>>>If so, I nominate this one.
>>>>>>>>Come on Doug, don't try to make Tim the butt of your jokes...
>>>>>>>yeah, sorry. I was just being an ass.
>>>>>>Now we'll never hear the end of it.
>>>>>at least until we scrape bottom.
>>>>Guys, this is wholly inappropriate.
>>>And Cotty, as usual, is bringing up the rear.
>> That's right Brewer, crack the whip.
>why, you cheeky sod.

You exude such respect when you discharge your duties.


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Perry Pellechia

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Home Page: http://homer.chem.sc.edu/perry

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