
Bob, I am regular poster to www.PhotoSight.ru. I hereby humbly suggest you either install a web proxy application or use Mozilla FireFox... With FireFox (and a proxy) I never had such a bad luck like you reported.

Why is it up to the person who is web browsing to make sure the website is compliant with their software? I find it somewhat more than annoying to be told that I have to download, install and learn a special web browser just to visit a website.

Bill, you misunderstood me, perhaps. I have no affiliation with www.photosight.ru. It is simply that FireFox is my browser of choice which works in case of photosight as well. So I recommended it, humbly.

In fact, great many web sites in Israel are IE oriented. I almost never use IE, but sometimes FireFox fails because of IE quirks, so I have to run it...

Life often sucks, you know...


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