My service is aDSL using PPPoE, but I don't use my home machine as a web server or file server so the lack of a fixed IP address isn't relevant. I also use an external account (leased from for the data store and the .Mac servers otherwise. I do a lot of up and download.

My computers connect to the external line via 802.11b/g wireless, even the desktop systems, so the wire connect speeds are pretty much irrelevant. I don't have any problems with the performance at all, I get 160KBps consistently on download and 45-60KBps on upload, which is good enough for my needs. :-)


On Apr 19, 2006, at 7:22 PM, Paul Stenquist wrote:

I upload quite a bit to an FTP server. Sometimes 200 megs at a single session. It seems relatively fast. Certainly not a problem. I believe my upload speed is identical to that Godfrey posted for his DSL line, although my download speed is quite a bit faster. But I'm no expert. I don't know what's available. But I do know that for everyday use, Comcast works very well.
On Apr 19, 2006, at 9:39 PM, Charles Robinson wrote:

On Apr 19, 2006, at 17:27, Paul Stenquist wrote:

I pay about $60 for comcast cable modem service and basic tv cable. But it's faster than DSL. A lot faster than the DSL I can get here.

True dat. But cable does have a few downsides for me: 1. No fixed IP address 2. Serious restrictions on running servers 3. VERY slow upload speeds. But if all you're gonna do is download, download, download, then cable is hard to beat.


Charles Robinson
Minneapolis, MN

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