How do you like using CS2?

I'd recommend upgrading to CS2. Personally I like to keep the number
of programs needed to process my images to a minimum.

If dollars are tight many people speak highly of  RAW Shooter.

Dave S

On 4/22/06, Dave Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just need a few thoughts on this.
> Would it be better to upgrade to CS2(cost about $450 or so to upgrade my 
> PSEL3) or get a single dedicated Raw
> program like Raw shooter or Capture one.
> El3 and CS can open every raw file i need, except the new D200. I can get the 
> plug in for EL3 but not for CS. Therefore
> if i want the plug in and stay current with technology, i need to spend $$ on 
> the CS2 upgrade.
> Are there people out there that stay current with PS only or do you have a 
> raw program that you keep current.Do the dedicated programs stay current with 
> updates or are they slow at getting to the new cameras.
> I don't see my self buying another Dslr, Pentax or Nikon in the near future, 
> unless the D2H goes south on my again, then it will be traded in for a 20 D 
> and lens, i suppose.:-)
> Any thoughts one way or another. I have about 20 days left on the CS2 trial.
> Dave
> David J Brooks
> Equine, Pets, Bands, Rural Landscape Photography in York Region
> Pentax istD, PZ-1, Nikon D1 D2H D200

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