Hey everybody.  I've been in super-lurk mode the last couple months, but I have 
a strange image that I'd like to ask about.  First, the image in question:


The flowers in this photo are real, and I did nothing to the color saturation 
in processing.  It was shot at ISO 200 in RAW with my D.  The only editing I 
did was some Levels adjustment, but nothing major.

First take a look at the flower petals near the top left corner.  Now take a 
look at the top petals of the center flower.  The edges have a dark fringe 
around them, which I've never seen before in an image like this.

What caused this phenomenon?  Is it simply an effect of the petals being out of 
focus?  It's not the greatest photo I've taken, I'm just curious about this 
strange fringe.

John Celio

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