On Apr 28, 2006, at 5:18 AM, Cory Papenfuss wrote:

I agree that the proprietary formats are a bad thing for the
photographer and photography in general.

I'm a big fan of DNG and convert my raw files immediately.

I'm a big fan of having an open-raw format, but I have yet to see a way that DNG benefits me. There is no open-source converter, nor even a linux binary that I know of, so I have no way of converting my .PEF's to .DNG. On the other hand, the plain-vanilla C-code of dcraw can handle the only slightly odd TIFF file format that .PEF's actually are. I can be assured that I can compile the code as it exists today on a future platform.

I was under the impression that the current version of dcraw had been updated to handle DNGs. Is that not so?


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