Those numbers are pretty close to what I came up with for Canada, but not for the US. However I did not do an exhaustive search but just took the numbers from the first sight google came up with. Yes by the numbers I came up with it was actually only 7-8% bigger but I figured I would round it up to 10%, should have remembered I was posting to nit picking central. I suppose if I say the population of Canada is slightly greater than Rhode Island you guys will jump on me about exactly how much "slightly is".


"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

P. J. Alling wrote:
Maybe to the international border, (12 mile limit)?

Bob Shell wrote:

On Apr 30, 2006, at 7:05 AM, graywolf wrote:

Yep Canada is only about 10 million square kilometers just 10% bigger than the US. And you are wrong, Cotty. Bill is at least as big as you.

USA is 9,631,418 square kilometers. Canada is 9, 976,410 square kilometers. That makes Canada 344,992 square kilometers larger. It's early for me to do math, but I think that makes Canada only about 3.5% bigger.

I wonder if land area is customarily figured at low tide?


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