On Apr 30, 2006, at 11:52 PM, Juan Buhler wrote:

Someone at my opening on Friday asked if my prints were part of a
limited edition. They aren't--I think that whole concept is a bit
silly. It was silly when using negatives, it is even sillier now,
printing digitally.

Now, I actually haven't printed more than 4 or 5 of any of my
photographs. So making them limited editions of 50, or even 25, would
be easy (and meaningless.) It seems like this would add "value" to my
pictures though, for some reason not really related to their content.

I'm actually thinking about doing this--meaningless as it is, it's
also free for me...

What are the thoughts of the list about this?

Serious galleries and buyers want limited edition prints. My prints that I sell are all limited to editions of 100. When I reach 100 it doesn't mean that I don't ever print that image again, but that I don't print that interpretation in that size again. The rules of this were all established long ago, before photography was considered art.

You may feel that it is silly, but buyers will not.


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