I'm in exactly the same situation.

On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 12:53:21PM -0400, Mark Roberts wrote:
> It's a question I've been pondering for some time so I thought I'd
> open it up to discussion and debate. Let's stir the pot, rock the
> boat, muddy the waters, etc.
> Much as I love my MZ-S, I've noticed that I just don't use it any
> more. I shoot digital for the most part. When I shoot film, it's
> almost always B&W, which means I use the 645. And on the rare
> occasions when I *do* shoot 35mm color film, I find it's the MX I
> reach for. Small, light, simple, manual, unhurried, untechnological -
> that's what I'm looking for on those occasions.
> So the result is that I have this superb, ergonomic, high-tech,
> magnesium-bodied gem gathering dust most of the time and that bothers
> me. I know there are probably photographers out there who would
> actually *use* this camera. But I haven't been able to bring myself to
> sell it.
> Factors making me want to keep it:
> 1) I love the way it feels and works.
> 2) I probably couldn't get much for it these days.
> 3) It's the ultimate (in the true sense of the word) Pentax high-end
> film camera. The last of a thoroughbred line.
> I should probably look around and see what used ones sell for these
> days, but whether the price is high or low, it would probably make me
> both happy and sad...

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