The difference between the DL and DL2 is the AF unt (3 point vs 5 
point), the LCD is the same 2.5" unit introduced on the DL, and common 
with the DS2.


Aaron Reynolds wrote:

>On Jun 24, 2006, at 8:26 AM, gfen wrote:
>>Pentax has released this many digital cameras?
>The SLRs that we've seen:
>*ist D - the "pro" body, now eclipsed in some ways by the consumer 
>bodies that followed
>*istDS - same sensor and viewfinder, different control layout, smaller, 
>no battery grip, faster write speed and larger buffer
>*istDL - same as the DS but with a pentamirror instead of a pentaprism, 
>fewer AF points, poorer flash handling, smaller buffer
>*istDS2 - same as the DS but with a bigger rear LCD
>*istDL2 - same as the DL but with a bigger rear LCD
>So really there are only three bodies -- the two "2" versions are just 
>really minor updates.  All of these except the DL2 are currently out of 
>What's coming:
>K100D - midway between the DS2 and the DL2, with the pentamirror and a 
>smaller buffer but with the addition of body-side anti-shake
>K110D - the K100D without anti-shake
>Those two will be out in the next few weeks.
>K10D - anti-shake, 10MP sensor, not much else is really known for 
>certain.  At least, not that people can talk about.

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