AvK wrote:
> The July PUG is open.
> It can be viewed at http://pug.komkon.org
Thanks Adelheid!

My personal picks for the month:
Photo - Jostein; mystery - Wendy; interpretation - Sridhar.


* Jostein: Curves in...
I don't usually go for abstract but I like this one.
Curtains blown by the wind?

* Dave Brooks: Swirls.
Interesting but I would like it a little sharper with more contrast.

* Jens Bladt: Watersurface.
Interesting effect but the highlights are a bit distracting.

* Kenneth Waller: A very grainy image.
I rather like the knots in this which make it a bit different.
I'm not going to guess: What would I do with 100 pixels?

* Ray Allen: A cliff face.
Fun picture!

* Cotty: Transparent Conundrum.
I like the way this has been photographed: grey on grey.
(What Mike said.)

* Paul Stenquist: An easy one.
Not sure about this one. Well shot but my eyes keep getting 
pulled to the bottom of the image.

* Wendy Beard: No title.
For me, one of the best "what is it?"
Would never have guessed, despite it being "pretty obvious"!

* Mark Roberts: CokeBus.
Just can't make up my mind about this one.

* Dan Matyola: Cave Canem.
Interesting. A little soft?

* Robert Gonzalez: What am eye?
Nicely shot. Unusual colouring. Like it.
(What Mike said.)

* Me: Here.
I'll neither confirm nor deny Mike's guess!
I took several photos specifically for this theme but didn't like 
the way they came out, so used a crop from an earlier photograph 

* Casaletti Leonardo: Fly.
Nicely captured and an unusual bug. Whites are perhaps a bit blown.

* Thrainn Vigfusson: Who's head is it anyway?
Fun! I like it.

* Joseph Tainter: Mystery to me.
Sharp and I like the pose. It's not static "bird on a stick" 
because it's attentive and about to do something.

* Patrick Rendulic: Minnie.
Sorry...but I don't like cats! Any opinion I expressed would be 
irretrievably biased. 8-)

* Boris Liberman: Common Language.
BW makes it a bit more mysterious.
I think Mike's got it.

* Bob Sullivan: In Costume.
Before I read Bob's comment my thought was that the mystery was 
"What is the mystery?" (Having worn a similar funny get-up on one 
occasion.) Nice capture.

* Henk Terhell: Flight of the Soul.
Interesting idea. I rather like it.

* Bruce Dayton: Ready.
Very nicely shot!

* Gainfranco Irlanda: A Car?
Interesting as an object but the image is a little static. 
Perhaps another angle?

* Sridhar Gibikote: What's that?
I like the "atmosphere" and light of this photograph. The 
water-line is, however, perhaps a bit too central. Perhaps it 
would be better from a little further away with the people a 
little higher and slightly further to the left.
It's a very clever interpretation of the theme, however.

* Harald Rust: Epiphyte.
I like this. I think it is a rather tricky subject but this one 
is nicely posed. A bit green and soft perhaps.

* Jan van Wijk: Cornflower with Bee.
Nicly captured and appealing colours. If it's cropped, I would, 
perhaps, have put the bee a bit higher and to the left.

* John Forbes: Watchers.
This could actually go under the theme in the same way as 
Sridhar's: What are they watching? Not sure what I think about 
this one.

Keith McG

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