Same thing happened to my M 50 1.4 -- it was purely cosmetic and did not affect 
anything except for filter use.

I think I fixed it with glue.


-----Original Message-----

From:  Charles Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  "K" 50mm f1.4 lens is coming apart!
Date:  Wed Jul 5, 2006 10:08 am
Size:  1K
To:  Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>

I've got a used Pentax K 50mm f1.4 lens that exhibited weird behavior  
last time I pulled it out of the bag.

The front end of the barrel is loose.  No optics are moving or  
anything... just the front barrel (which includes the front plate  
that has the name of the lens with the serial number on it and  

I don't know what holds this on, but clearly something has sheared or  
come loose.

Heh.  Now that I pull on it a bit to take a demonstrative photo, a  
couple of small screws just dropped out into my hands.

All I need now is a VERY tiny screwdriver and a blow-up diagram of  
how this lens comes apart.  I'm guessing it might have something to  
do with removing the rubber cover on the focusing ring???

Photos to illustrate the problem are below:

(levels adjusted severely to show detail where the problem lies)

Any advice on specifically what to do to get to where those screws  
belong would be greatly appreciated.


Charles Robinson
Minneapolis, MN

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