Without getting at all specific, something I rarely do, a couple months
back I was reading dpreview Canon chat. Big hairy Canon whine for not
carrying a lens line equivalent to Pentax. All manner of examples were
offered, including the LTD primes.
They were critical of both the choices and relative quality of
available Canon lenses.
I understand your frustration at not finding certain third party lenses
for Pentax, but Canon users have their own grips.


--- Amita Guha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have recently become frustrated by the fact that a couple of
> third-party lenses I like are not available in Pentax mount.
> Yesterday, I emailed Tamron to ask them if their 17-50 f/2.8 would
> someday be available for Pentax, and they said no. When I wrote back
> to ask if they would consider releasing one if they got enough
> letters, they wrote back and said that the Pentax market would have
> to
> pick up "tremendously" in order for them to release the lens in that
> mount.
> I'm confused by two things here.
> 1) the lens I want is the cropped version of their 28-75 f/2.8, a
> superb lens which is available for Pentax, and I told them that
> 2) They released this lens for MINOLTA, which has, what, three users?
> For some reason, this episode is really sticking in my craw. I
> realize
> that I should have a better reason to want to switch systems (need a
> more capable body, etc.) but it's very tempting right now for me to
> start thinking about building a Canon system when Nate has a spare
> 20D
> that I can use.
> And then there is the fact of Pentax' slow R&D, but that hasn't
> bothered me too much yet  since I've been pretty happy with the
> *istD.
> I probably wouldn't abandon Pentax completely, at least not at first,
> but I'd probably start slowly with a couple of C*non-mount lenses I
> like.
> Has anyone else has made the jump this way? And am I overreacting?
> This is the first time I've given serious thought to switching.
> Thanks,
> Amita
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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