On Aug 18, 2006, at 12:01 PM, Doug Franklin wrote:

> I'll cut the inner hole in the mat to fit the image, but I'll also cut
> the outer edge of the mat to fit a standard frame size because the
> non-standard frames are either terribly expensive or I have to make  
> them
> myself, including cutting the glass.

Cutting the glass is the best part :)  Just make sure you spend the  
extra money on a decent cutter with an oil-filled handle, and never  
run it over the edge of the glass: start/finish a mm or two from the  
edge; use a raised straightedge (eg a frame offcut) to stop it.

One of my fingers has a scar from when a cheap glass cutter ruined my  
cut.  When I screwed up the newspaper for disposal, in a much more  
vigorous manner than usual (it was my last piece of glass so I wasn't  
in the greatest mood), and I didn't remember that there was still a  
decent-sized shard in it.  I was lucky it didn't go into my palm...

- Dave

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