Hi folks,

It looks like the market in Japan is now tangling up.


If you scroll down to the last graph, it shows the shift in market share.

Navy    Canon
Yellow  Nikon
Red      Sony
Blue     Pentax
Purple  Oly

Since the entry by Sony and Pentax's rise, competition is coming close.
Everybody is expecting that Canon's domination won't last.  Nikon is
somewhat fizzling now, but the D80 is not factored in yet.
Note Canon is now well below 50% which they used to enjoy.

This if of course just a snap shot and each maker has new models up in their
sleeves which I am sure all will be known by Photokina, and alter this share
situation.   But it is interesting to see how the competition is becoming

Note that Canon 5D has not been doing as well as initially expected.  Good
camera, perhaps, but their FF lens line is not digital optimized (optical
formula and special coating etc) like their EF-S line which caused some
image quality problems.

No, I am not promoting a rosy picture for my favourite brand, but it appears
that everybody has a decent chance, and the traditional market share pattern
may no longer.



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