Of course, Pentax believed the list when everyone said no one would pay 
that much for a camera. Strangely Canon, Nikon, and Kodak sold a lot of 
cameras in that price range. Oh well.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Cotty wrote:
> On 24/8/06, Digital Image Studio, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>> On 8/24/06 7:58 AM, "K.Takeshita", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Overwhelming
>>> market domination by big 2 is not only unhealthy but deterimental to
> us all,
>>> the consumers.
>> You'd think so but it doesn't seem to be doing the Canon consumers any harm?
> Interesting point.
> When I wanted to buy a DSLR and before Pentax had one out, I had to
> decide between Canon and Nikon.  I very nearly went for Nikon - for the
> simple reason that I will always try and support the underdog (keep in
> mind there was no offering from Pentax at all, so it was not a case of
> Pentax being the underdog at that time, it was a case of Pentax not
> playing the game). The thing that swayed me above all was an upgrade
> path to a full frame sensor, and so I went with Canon.
> If Nikon had had a full frame sensor at that point, I would have bought
> Nikon, no problem.
> Not that I would have been able to afford a full-frame camera at that
> point, but I reasoned that a few years down the road, the tech would
> have improved and the price would have dropped. Now, a few years later,
> and I would hope to pick up a full frame body in a year or so.
> Whenever I see these pics, it really goes gets under my skin.
> <http://www.bdimitrov.de/kmp/bodies/prototypes/MZ-D.html>
> C'est la vie, uh?

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