In a message dated 9/19/2006 11:54:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
A Photoshop class should be camera agnostic. From the standpoint of  
image processing, what camera made a particular image file, RAW or  
JPEG, is almost completely irrelevant presuming that Photoshop's RAW  
conversion is applicable. Given the level of the software being used,  
you're not going to get into RAW processing with Camera Raw at all,  
which is a darn shame as that is where most of the capabilities of  
digital cameras are, in RAW format capture. You'll be talking  
entirely RGB level editing capabilities, and almost entirely 8bit  
work. There's a lot to be had there, if the instructor is any good.

Yeah, I know that is why I was disappointed, not using RAW conversion in CS 
(which I have) or CS2. I really did want that.

He taught art and photography classes in colleges for something like 20 
years. Basically retired now, I guess, and teaching classes at the local civic 
(adult ed). They get some pretty decent teachers here. I picked up a few 
things already, but I plan to go through some books afterwards, like Frasier's. 
need sort of hands on to learn better, just reading and doing my own exercises 
doesn't do it for me. Maybe a book followup will. Hopefully.

Marnie aka Doe ;-)

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