----- Original Message ----- 

Subject: Re: Street photography - religious objections (now Socialists)

> =======
> And quite a few others since. Smoke and mirrors -- disinformation and
> misinformation -- is quite active in the US. Now people who should 
> support unions,
> working people who need them, like underpaid and non-healthcared 
> Wal-Mart
> workers for example, don't. Unions helped improve things for people 
> for decades, now
> they are perceived as evil by many.

Don't knock Wal-Mart.
They are one of the better retail sector employees.
I don't have Wal-Mart USA numbers, but I expect they are similar to 
Wal-Mart Canada, in that they average about $5000.00/year profit per 
associate, or somewhere in the range of 35%.
They don't have a lot of room to give huge raises out.
Wal-mart isn't the evil company that it is fashionable to meake them out 
to be.
I was a Wa-Mart associate for just short of 9 years, and can't really 
think of anything bad to say about them.

William Robb

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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