----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gonz"
Subject: Re: The JCO survey

> You dont think they get more than $50 profit per camera?

It doesn't really matter what the profit per camera is.
What matters is that they think the profit/loss margin on implementation 
is going to be enough more positive than it would be if they left an 
aperture simulator off, to make it worthwhile to include.
The evidence of that is obvious, in that they chose to not include an 
aperture simulator, knowing that it would annoy some people.
Now we have a whole new body, and guess what?
It's still gone.
They still figure they can turn more profit leaving it off than they can 
putting it on.

I don't recall Pentax ever guaranteeing that they would keep a 
mechanical metering interface forever.

William Robb

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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