But we were talking about K/M lenses so its not redundant.
There are more K/M lenses than all other lenses combined
So its not insignifigant. In other words, MOST Pentax
Lenses are not fully supported ( but could be ).

-----Original Message-----
Adam Maas
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:08 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: The JCO survey

It's redundant on all but K/M lenses. All other lenses (the vast 
majority of what would actually be used on a DSLR) don't need one. A and

later lenses because they couple electronically and adapter-mounted 
lenses becuase they don't couple at all.


J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> The K/M lens sensor would not be redundent as there
> Is no function already in there doing that. It has
> Been removed along with its function just like I stated.
> jco
> -----Original Message-----
> William Robb
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 2:50 PM
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: The JCO survey
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "J. C. O'Connell"
> Subject: RE: The JCO survey
>> 1. you are assumeing that these DSLRs will never need service
> No, you are assuming that I am assuming that.
>> 2. can be more reliable means just that. A pair of pliers
>> has moving parts, when was the last time you had a pair that
>> didn't work?
> This summer, actually. I had a water pump plier that wouldn't hold
> adjustment anymore, and I managed to snap a set of Kleins removing 
> electrical staples from old fir studs.
> Closer to the topic, I have had (sorry to repeat, but you seem to have

> missed it the first time) multiple failures of the very parts required

> to allow full operation of a very small number of lenses on several 
> cameras.
>> 3. Yes moving parts eventually wear out, but that's no reason
>> to remove key features of a camera because some part may
>> wear out someday. Your argument of stripping out key features
>> just because it involves a moving part is silly, might as
>> well get rid of the shutter too and shoot everything with
>> your hand in front of the lens as the shutter too?
> Repair issues are a perfectly good reason to remove parts that have 
> become redundant.
> I have seen concept shutters that use an LCD panel instead of moving 
> parts, when they become viable, you can expect mechanical shutters
> also become a thing of the past.
> William Robb

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