Who said anything about focusing?  See my subsequent post.

BTW,  I'm not the only one who sometimes shoots in that manner.
Cartier-Bresson did, Gary Winogrand did, Robert Capa did, WES did at times,
I know Elliott Erwitt did, Weegee did, as did many other great
photographers - not that I'm comparing myself to them.


> [Original Message]
> From: J. C. O'Connell 

> It is NOT faster to focus stopped down, the wider DOF and dimmer image
> Makes it HARDER not easier to focus accurately. Why
> Do you think auto aperture cameras and lenses were developed
> Way back in the 50's? Because its easier and faster way
> To work. I know because I have been using those cameras
> For years and years too. Less DOF means easier focus. Period.
> I am not arguing how he works, I am arguing the REASON
> He gave. 

> -----Original Message-----
> Shel Belinkoff

g a fool of yourself.  What hubris to tell someone how
> they choose to photograph or use their gear is wrong.
> Let me tell you something ... I don't know how old you are or how long
> you've been photographing, but I'm willing to wager you're not as old as
> I
> and that you've not been photographing as long either.  When I shot with
> Spotties back in the late sixties, I'd often shoot with the lens stopped
> down, and depending on the lens, light, and scene, I'd shoot @ 5.6 or
> 8.0. 
> I knew EXACTLY what I was doing.  Shooting that way could be fast and
> accurate.  With the better finders of today - brighter and more
> contrasty -
> it's even easier to shoot in that manner.
> Anyway,  YOU don't have to see it.  It's what Adam sees that matters.
> To call someone you don't know stupid and a liar here in a public forum
> shows more about you and your character than you probably want us to
> know.  

> > [Original Message]
> > From: J. C. O'Connell 
> > See my last post, your reason for doing so is flawed 
> > And there are other reasons why its worse too.
> > jco
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Adam Maas
> > John, You Ignorant Slut,
> >
> > It's quicker and I can see what's in focus at all times. Simple as
> that.
> >
> > Just because you don't, doesn't mean I can't.
> >
> > -Adam
> >
> >
> > J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> > > When the thread title is stupid I am going to comment on it.
> > > Secondly why havent you told us WHY WHY WHY you shoot with
> > > M42 auto-aperture lenses and bodies stopped down all the time?
> > > I don't believe it, either your stupid for doing so or your
> > > A liar for saying so unless you have some good explanation
> > > For doing so which I simply cant imagine as I am a LONG TIME
> > > User of M42 bodies and lenses and that makes no sense whatsoever
> > > To me at this point. I'd love to hear your reason for doing so.
> > > Maybe there is something I am missing but I cant see it.

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