Paul Stenquist wrote:
> However Bob Lutz has been working to change that somewhat. And with  
> some success. What's more, GM is doing very well on surveys of  
> customer satisfaction. That ain't all bad. 

So you say.

> The Europeans, on the  
> other hand, are in the toilet. Their build quality is abysmal. Only  
> the Japanese, and really only Toyota and Honda, are giving the US  
> carmakers  trouble. Make new deals with the unions on health care and  
> retirement, and Detroit will be right back on top. 

That's a ludicrous statement. Health care and retirement contracts don't 
build cars. Get realistic!
Detroit won't be "back on top" for a very long time.
They have no idea of how to please and keep a customer.

> That's a prediction. Remember where you read it first.
> paul

Oh, I will.

Long after I buy my Honda or Toyota. The 3rd or fourth one, that is.
I'm long over my buying of GM products.
Not again in MY lifetime!

keith whaley

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