On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Kevin Thornsberry wrote:

> So, the question is, what, if anything would push this image to a
> higher plane.  Your lighting suggestion probably won't help here as
> the station faces directly into the morning sun. Late afternoon would
> be backlit.  I don't know if that would help but it might.  A more
> intersting sky would not have hurt but I'm not going to blame God for
> my mediocre photography.  So, have at it, what could/should I have
> done to really improve this picture.

I'm just going to butt in here for a sec with my opinion.  I think the
lack of interest that someone mentioned is mainly due to the evenness of
the light.  There seems to be no variation in the lighting that would
attract attention to any one feature or aspect of the scene.  Because of
this, it comes across as rather flat.  NPC has pretty vibrant colours, but
some highlights or variations in the light would help to make the colours
more interesting and complex.

As far as framing goes, you've evidently put some effort into finding a
nice composition, and kudos to you for that.  I'd only suggest playing
around with it a bit more and trying lots of different positions, angles
and lenses.  For example, cropping this image horizontally just below the
two beautiful clumps of grass on the tracks would eliminate a lot of the
foreground dirt (which doesn't add much to the image, IMO) and hopefully
attract more attention to the station itself.

Another thing I'm noticing is that the part of the building closest to the
camera is... well, rather boring.  :)  You might be able to get some more
interesting shots by setting up at the other end of the building and
emphasizing the conical tower-thingy more.  Or even doing some interior
shots... I'd love to see what a 1900's toilet looks like!  :)

The clumps of grass in the foreground lend some nice colour to the shot,
as do the green trees and blue sky.  Everything else, though (the dirt,
rocks, tracks, building, roof...) is fairly dull as far as colouration
goes, so you'll have to put in some extra effort to make it appealing.  
Playing with the lighting may be the best way to do that.  This might make
a great night shot, for example, illuminated only by any lights there or
else a large flashlight.  Try different things...

As for a more interesting sky, I'd suggest leaving it the way it is.  The
shot is busy enough as it is without having a detailed sky.  I'd just
leave it as a nice, simple, rich blue.

Hope this helps.  It's meant constructively, of course, and it's just my

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