What's the matter, you dont like being corrected or challanged?
I am sorry but I do not agree with you and others
on some matters and statements. I am not going
to just sit there and say nothing and let weak or flawed counter
go unchalleged. Thats why the posts add up.
I am not one to get involved unless its something I 
have a very strong conviction on. Thats why it
may seem its always a battle with me on everything,
which is not the case, I dont comment on most stuff
and only comment on things I feel real strongly about.
-----Original Message-----
William Robb
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 1:18 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: list abuse

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"
Subject: Re: list abuse

> The thing is, Paul, sooner or later JCO jumps into conversations and 
> threads and becomes abusive and begins to use foul language.  Are you 
> suggesting that when he jumps into a thread, as he did when I posted 
> my observations about focusing, that even if he says nothing 
> outrageous he be
> ignored - IOW, not allowing him the benefit of the doubt that the 
> thread
> can remain civil?

There is also the problem that if a person makes an incorrect statement 
and it goes unchallenged, then it is often presumed to be true by the 
casual reader who may be perusing the archives.
Sadly, there isn't a simple answer for the rest of us.
It's not wise to allow untruths to go unchallenged, but it is a given 
that challenging the person in question will result in abusive posts 
from said individual.
As we saw from the JCO Survey thread, John is quite willing to take a 
thread to several thousand posts to "win" the debate, and is totally 
uncaring about who he insults, or whose first hand knowledge and 
experience he disregards.
Ignoring him essentially means that as soon as he posts on a topic, that

thread must be dropped by the rest of us, which means stifling discourse

and reinforcing his already socially repugnant behaviour, since he will 
see this as a win for him, and a capitulation by everyone else, which 
will just make the problem worse in the future.
Were I the list owner, I'd ban him permanently.

William Robb

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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