i must say i fail to see the relation btw ancient rome (prior to terrorism)
and israel's way of dealing with palestinian terrorism, but perhaps my
historical notions arent up to date?
of course its only peace talks, not sealing off cities that can eradicate
terrorism in the long run. fine, how does that solve the immediate reality
of bombing innocent citizens in israeli cities? is there 'innocent until
proven guilty' on our side? and how can one even speak of innocent and
guilty when one suicide attack brings on retaliation from the other side,
leading to a new suicide attack, and on and on?
Also i wouldnt confuse israel-palestine situation with muslim-US paradigm.
after all, Afganistan doesnt need to be granted independence by the States.
what i meant in my 'original post' was simply that the 'surgical removal' of
palestinian terrorists, although disturbing in itself, becomes
understandable after one sees the horrific results of today's mastermind
terrorists. Would anyone condone in retrospect the surgical assasination of
today's hijackers, had one known about them in advance?

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