Bob W wrote:

>>>>I think Brad Dobo was the pinnacle of lunacy. He probably holds
> the
>>>>record for becoming persona non grata in the shortest 
>>amount of time.
>>>Hmmm... Anyone remember that italian guy working in UK? I 
>>think Cotty
>>>managed to dig up that he was an awarded author of technical
>>For astronomy, I think.  For someone with his head higher than the 
>>clouds, he certainly managed to get under a lot of folks' skin.
> I don't remember that person. Give us some examples of his
> subcutaneous behaviour.
> Bob

Odd.  He mentioned you personally.  Taken out of context, they don't 
look as bad as some others but he had such supercilious air it was 
difficult to hold a conversation with him on any level.

Let me know when you've had enough.
Antonio Aparicio
Mon, 17 May 2004 14:46:55 -0700
Jostein, so would one of the unwritten rules of this list be that you 
can only disagree if you do so "constructively" and that you must try 
and befriend those you are debating things with?

Sat, 14 Aug 2004 23:25:28 -0700

I'll reply to the bit of you post that acutally is relevant tot he topic.

For the last time (I hope). When people sax an xmm lens is the 35mm
equivalent of a ymm lens they are not saying it is exacctly the same in all
respects, but rather the AOV is simimilar because of the crop factor brought
about by the smaller digital sensor.

It is not a literal statement as you, greyworld and peter alling seem to
read it.

Sat, 14 Aug 2004 07:45:07 -0700

Trolling again William? Why is it so hard for you to accept that most people
use and understand the term "35mm equivalent" when refering to non-35mm

Sat, 14 Aug 2004 13:46:55 -0700

Yet another abusive post ERN. Very good. Well done. I am sure your gallery
will love it. However calling someone a Jackass doesnt win an argument, nor
make you right, it just makes you look abusive. "50mm becomes xmm on a
digital camera" is easy enough to understand, as is the 35mm equivalent of
lens x is y. Both are acceptable phrasing and language - only you, greyworld
and alling seem to have problems with it. The rest of the web, and some more
authoritative sites than this seem to use them without a problem. I have not
misrepresented greyworld at all. Did you miss the bit that said (and I

  <<"My 50mm lens becomes 200mm lens is just BS pure and simple. The whole
thing seems to be a form of penis envy, "Mine is bigger than yours".>>

It is not bullshit as greyworld has said - it means that my 50mm lens
becomes a xmm lens (i.e. The AOV changes) when you use it on a digital


P.s. Penis envy is a term originally applied to women, as they do not have a
penis of their own ;-).
Mon, 16 Aug 2004 10:25:43 -0700

Don¹t worry Norm, you were included amongst the "few others", along with the
other sheep (Coty, Don & Co.)

By the way, what is it with you guys and Penis size?


  On 16/8/04 2:15 am, "Norman Baugher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > Don't forget me, you little prick.  <----- We were all thinking this.
 > Norm
 > From: Antonio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > In fact I am starting to get a feel for who the abusers are on this list
 > (you, Tom C, Greyworld, Peter Alling, Bob W and a few others).

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