> I went for a walk today and filled a 2G card with K10D RAW/DNG
> exposures. I put the FA20-35 on it, used autofocus almost
> exclusively, and just went snapping around the neighborhood. About
> 120 some exposures in all fit on a 2G card.

>    http://homepage.mac.com/godders/neighborhood-K10D/

Good grief, Godfrey. As they say, one mans trash is another mans treasure.
What you call "test shots" I'd be delighted to call my "main gallery" :o) 
I'm always particularly impressed by worthwhile treatments of everyday
objects, as they remind me of how far I still have to go to develop a good
eye for such things. The thing is, I could've taken that same walk and
likely would've come home with an empty card, but yet you managed to fill
yours. Go figure.

In any event, nice photos as always.

- Jerome

(determined to someday make the leap from camera owner to photographer)

Jerome Reyes Photography

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