Note the smiley, Joe.  Others have commented on your negativity - I've
stayed away from that.  I was just poking a little fun at the reputation
you've garnered here over the past few months as someone who's frequently
finding fault.  We can all learn to laugh at ourselves a bit ...

Why do I give in to such things?  Probably in part because I'm a sarcastic
New Yorker ... it's part of my heritage and upbringing.  My whole family
and most of my friends are sarcastic. Sorry if you were offended.  I'll put
you in the "don't kid around with Joe" category and will never again kid
around in your presence.


> [Original Message]
> From: Joseph Tainter

> Well, we've got to remember that it's Joe making the call ;-))
> Shel
> -----
> Shel, why do you feel the need to blurt out a statement like that? And 
> why do you give in to the feeling?
> I expected, perhaps naively, that a card that is 150% faster in its 
> nominal rating (150x vs 60x) should give something more than a 12-18% 
> speed boost. Apparently my understanding was wrong. But nothing in my 
> post calls for you to imply something negative about me, or would 
> justify posting such an implication

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