Pentax has a problem with name recognition especially with those who're 
new, (less than ten years of experience), to photography, or so it seems.

Cory Papenfuss wrote:
>>> On 14/12/06, Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Very enthusiastic user report:
>>> It's an interesting report, the bottom line of which MR hopes that
>>> some of Pentax's technical innovations will spur on Canon et al to
>>> build better cameras ;-)
>> Indeed: "As a Canon user I can only wish that the folks at Canon's
>> marketing and engineering department have a close look at some of the
>> more innovative features offered by Pentax in this new model. With DNG,
>> post exposure JPG processing, and auto-ISO with limit setting, Pentax
>> now offers one of the most innovative feature sets to be found on any
>> DSLR. It looks like the big boys are going to have to start playing
>> catch-up."
>       I really find it curious that very few people even know that a 
> Pentax DSLR exists.  A friend of mine here at 'Tech was looking to get a 
> DSLR the other day when he came by to ask me about camera stuff.  He was 
> planning on a Cannikon since he knew of a fried or two who had one. 
> While *trying* to be impartial and not discourage any particular brand, 
> the SR, cost, backwards lens compatibility, and AA-batteries sold him on a 
> K100D over all others.
>       His order came in yesterday and I played with it a bit.  I'm gonna 
> have to get me one of them thar SR Pentax's... :)
>       I hope that with the K100D and the K10D and all of it's fairly 
> innovative features, they'll get a bit more press and customers.  Now if 
> only I could get my logarithmic RGB histogram and aperture coupler... :)
> -Cory

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                        --Albert Einstein

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