J. C. O'Connell wrote:
> I dont see how a high quality moving pictures could
> be "boring" to some how enjoys high quality **still** pictures.
> Motion picturs can be an art form, and as such some of
> them can be greatly more appreciated and enjoyed with
> signifigantly better picture quality. Enough so to the point that
> boredom
> can be transformed into artistic communication between
> the filmmaker and the viewer.

If it wasn't boring, the story would have grabbed you already. Story 
matters, the visuals are in support of the story and can only rarely 
support the movie or show on their own.

> I cant see how many of you can be so concerned about MP,
> color space, color gamut, raw vs. jpeg, color balance,
> etc. and then say it doesnt matter that the old 
> crappy ntsc picture is far worse than what HD provides.
> These are the very same things. 

Because I care about the story, not the pretty. With my pictures, I rely 
on the image itself to do all the telling, with TV it's only part of the 
story, and even then not the most improtant part.

> HDTV is way better,
> and if you check the current prices, very affordable
> to the average person, not only the rich and famous.
>  I posted this three times already:
> they cost less than a regular tv's did 10 years ago
> of the same size screen but the HDTV picture quality
> blows away those 10 yr old sets. There has never
> been a better time to upgrade a tv than today if
> you still are watching ntsc.
> jco

$2000 TV's aren't 'very affordable', they're 'barely within the range of 
reason'. If I had that sort of cash lying around to spend on a TV, I'd 
have a Canon 5D and some Leica R lenses instead.


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