I have been using a HD DVR for about a year
now and have gotten very proficient with it.
Not only is it great for capturing all the shows
you really want to see, its playback scanning
goes beyond skipping commercials, I even
skip out entire portions of some shows now,
like skipping guests I dont want to see on Leno and Conan.
I can see more shows in less time and see only
what I want to see and when I want to see it
now. Way better than the old "try to find something
good thats on now" technique of the past and
sitting thru boring commercials and guests.
for this reason I prefer to watch all my shows
off the DVR captures instead of live if possible.

-----Original Message-----
Paul Stenquist
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 4:49 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Please everyone set up an email filter

No problem. I still get paid:-). And as you can tell by the  
discussions on this list, a lot of people have just barely discovered  
broadcast television. Tivo is on the far horizon for most. By the  
time it's widespread, we'll have a workaround. In fact, we already  
do: the embedded commercial. Coming to a set near you soon! Paul On Dec
20, 2006, at 3:03 PM, Charles Robinson wrote:

> On Dec 20, 2006, at 13:24, Paul Stenquist wrote:
>> Of course I should add that I work in television as well. I make the 
>> stuff that keeps the shows from slamming together.
> And I squeeze the shows back together with each other by using that 
> funny little >> button on the TiVo.  Sorry!
>   -Charles
> --
> Charles Robinson
> Minneapolis, MN
> http://charles.robinsontwins.org
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> PDML@pdml.net
> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net

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