On 29/12/06, Tim Øsleby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aren't we going OT now?
> I have an urge to say that I don't feel that my smoking habits are the real
> issue. To me, this seems like a smokescreen (pun intended) cowering the real
> debate.

If you stand outside to smoke you're likely doing yourself more harm
than anyone else, it's likely that the production of the products is
having a larger effect on the environment.

The equations of environmental effect are most often far more complex
than we acknowledge. One instance that I often ponder is in the
recycling of certain plastics used as food containers. The containers
have to be cleaned of remaining foods before than can be recycled
however for some more difficult to remove food types I wonder whether
the expenditure of water and energy to heat the water ends up
outstripping the value of the recycled materials?

There is a interesting article which outlines "Using Oranges for
Styrofoam Recycling" that also considers the energy cycle at:


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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