Touchy, touchy. I wasn't attacking your intelligence. Simply saying
that an education doesn't make you a smart person.

I work in a field where I come into contact with a lot of "educated"
people. While most of them are smart, there a also quite a few who
aren't, no matter what the piece of paper hanging on the wall

I also have a lot to do with people who'd be considered "uneducated",
boilermakers, machinists, plant operators  etc.  they are some of the
smartest, most practical people I know. Of course some are as thick as
2 bricks.

You sir seem to have no problem lording his education over others.

By saying what you've said below, you've confirmed my point about
intellectual superiority. To this thick headed half wit, that makes
you a snob.

David (I don't have a university education, I must be stupid) Savage

On 12/29/06, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 28, 2006, at 10:06 PM, David Savage wrote:
> > Some are. Education & intelligence don't always go hand in hand.
> By continuing this line of stupidity, either you are insinuating that
> I am stupid or that you are uneducated and belligerently proud of it.
> - IN the case of the first, you are wrong and I don't give a shit
> what you (or any of the other non compos mentis trolls on this list)
> think.
> - IN the case of the second, that's your problem. Carry on if you
> must; I care even less. Don't expect a further reply from me.
> Godfrey

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