What, other than introducing two of the most interesting larger cars (Magnum, 
Charger) in recent memory as well as a rather interesting smaller crossover 
hatchback I distinctly don't understand the comment.

GM on the other hand...


> Since Dodge marketing "experts" have decided that they want to be the brand 
> for morons and idiots, it probably won't surprise them in the least. They've 
> already dumped the nameplate in the toilet, a little more crap won't make 
> much difference.
> Paul
>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>They probably wouldn't recognize the Stars and Bars. I don't disagree.
>>Ironically, the Battle Flag should be _less_ offensive, not more. But things 
>>didn't work out that way. This is going to be a problem for Dodge next year 
>>well, as there will be much demand for one of their new models to come with a 
>>Battle Flag on the roof, mostly from people too ignorant to recall what it 
>>signifies beyond Bo and Luke Duke.
>>P. J. Alling wrote:
>>>I stand corrected, I did not realize that the South had adopted a 
>>>variation of it's battle flag as a national flag.  I therefore withdraw 
>>>my statement.  I find any flag dedicated to the destruction of the 
>>>Union, and the preservation of slavery an abomination.  Happy now?  
>>>Though I still doubt than most Americans would recognize the original 
>>>Stars and Bars if they saw one.
>>>Adam Maas wrote:
>>>>Which of those? There were at least 3 official flags, and two variants of 
>>better-known battle flag.
>>>>P. J. Alling wrote:
>>>>>Which confederate flag. The official flag, or the battle flag, (which 
>>>>>never had an official standing, as far as I know), but was used to 
>>>>>minimize confusion between the "Stars and Stripes" and the "Stars and 
>>>>>Bars").  I doubt most minorities would even recognize the "Stars and 
>>>>>Bars", which as a "Yankee" I would find much more offensive.
>>>>>Christian wrote:
>>>>>>David Savage wrote:
>>>>>>>Depends which flag & where the fence or building is located.
>>>>>>>I imagine the Confederate flag in a "minority" neighbourhood would be
>>>>>>>considered disrespectful.
>>>>>>How about flying over the capitol building of a State?  (especially when 
>>>>>>that capital was the capital of the Confederate States? (I really don't 
>>>>>>understand Virginia... and I work there)
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