Hmm, you got me going to  When the word is plural, then 
it can refer to underwear, but when its not, like "unmentionable acts", 
then its just like unspeakable.


In any event, we should form a lens rescue group to save those kidnapped 
lenses from Cotty and free them from his unspeakable dungeon of torture. 
  Esp that A* 85 1.4!!!


> I think he preforms unspeakable acts on them, if they were unmentionable 
> he'd probably just stick them in his underwear.
> Gonz wrote:
>>Hi Mike,
>>Welcome to the list.  I'm sure you have already figured out that we are 
>>a bunch of crazy, global warming obsessed, wallet challenged (due to 
>>frequent enablements) pixel peepers, except for those even crazier film 
>>guys. :)
>>And dont ever let Cotty touch your lenses. He fondles them and then 
>>performs unmentionable acts on them. ;)
>>>Hello, I've been lurking on the list for a week or two and thought it 
>>>was about time I introduce myself. (I actually sent a message once 
>>>already, but it doesn't look like it made it.  So forgive me if you get 
>>>this message twice)
>>>My name is Mike Dausin and I am a computer security engineer from the 
>>>Austin Texas area.  I can't quite remember what got me into photography 
>>>but I can say this is by far the most fun/interesting/challenging hobby 
>>>I've have (also the most expensive, but who's counting?) I mostly take 
>>>landscape shots, which gives me a great excuse to go travel.  But if I'm 
>>>not on the road I try to take abstract photos in my house.
>>>I've flirted with owning a Pentax for several years, but I've only just 
>>>now taken the plunge (with a K10.) This is a superb camera. But right 
>>>now I'm more surprised at the size of the Pentax Community.  I think 
>>>I've seen 2,000 e-mails on this list in just over a week!  It's good to 
>>>know that I'm not the only one out there that isn't shooting CanoNikon.
>>>In any case, I look forward to talking with you all soon!
>>>  Mike Dausin
>>>Obligatory photoblog link: 

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