Hi everyone,

I've been asked to do a shoot of some historical sites but there is a catch.

1. The client wants full ownership rights to the images. Ie I won't be
able to use the shots for any other purpose.
2. I have to supply a selection of 50 images from which the customer
will make his own selection. Ie I will select the best 50 from the
shoot(s) and supply them with minimal editing.
3. I estimate that each shoot should take approximately 2 days per
site. including an element of post processing.  ( I know the sites
quite well )

All extra expenses will be covered by the client.

I don't normally do photography on a commercial basis but I'm
interested in this job due to the subject matter plus the extra income
will also be welcome.

What sort of permium should I put on point 1

What's the going rate for this sort of work.  (mainland europe).


Patrick Genovese

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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