William Robb wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "David Weiss" Subject: Re: Another k10D problem or just an old one?
>> Paul Stenquist wrote:
>>> He's shooting jpegs on bright setting and underexposing by two to
>>> three stops. How can you conclude it's not normal?
>> Wow, I thought people on this list could curb the sarcasm and help a
>> person.  Is that beyond everyone these days?
>> I said this problem showed up on RAW photos as well.
>> The problem is evident on picture number 3, which is clearly not
>> underexposed.
> Dave, what part of "reciprocity failure" did you miss?

The part that says it applies to digital sensors.  If it does, that is 
something I was totally in the dark about.  If you have this documented 
somewhere, please send the link and I will read-up on it.  I am very 
naive concerning such things.

My image labeled "10" still shows the coloring affect, although not as 
strongly.  It was shot at 1/10s, f13, 400 sensitivity.  In your opinion, 
would that still qualify for reciprocity failure?  Seems like it should 
be receiving adequate light, albeit underexposed about 1.5 to 2 stops. 
It seems to me that if I shot an image with these settings, and shadow 
of two stops was in the scene, I would still get this color problem in 
the shadow even if the rest of the scene was exposed correctly.  I am 
not claiming this to be true, it just seems logical to me.  If it is 
not, please explain why as I would truly like to understand this better.

I am really just trying to understand this whole situation.

> I think it has to do with the low intensity of light playing havoc with the 
> sensor. Try repeating the test at a wider aperture and see what happens.
> William Robb 

I will, hopefully in the next few days.

Sorry for hassling the list.


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