And with a Pentax!!

The Detroit Zoological Society publishes a quarterly glossy for it's 40,000
plus members called "Habitat." Each issue has a themed photo contest and at
the end of the year they award a grand prize winner for the year.  As
camera-types like Zoos, they get several hundred submissions each issue, and
the judging is done by the graphics firm that prepares the magazine. This
year's Grand Prize winner is here:

Of course, it's mine, and I'm quite proud that I won the thing my first time
entering a contest. Though the judges didn't know it, I'm a very active
volunteer, and see a steady stream of Nikon, and worse, Canon, users each
time I'm there. Too many, particularly of the latter, are strutting,
pretentious sots, camera club types, who seem bent on acting out some
fantasy of being serious photographers. Harsh language, I know, but my job
is to engage them in conversation, and I get terribly tired of smilingly
indulging that pretension. My revenge is the paragraph in the next issue
that I get explaining that I shoot with Pentax, not Nikon nor Canon, gear.
In this case with an ist D, and 180mm f 3.5 Sigma lens.  Take that, you

BTW, in the past year, I've been seeing more and more Pentax bodies amongst
the Nikons and Canons, where previously I saw none....

Bill Sawyer
Livonia, MI

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