Way to go Bill - congratulations!

A really nice image. Nice subject, colors & composition.
Well seen & captured.

As much as I enjoy my Pentax, its not the equipment, its the operator.

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Sawyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Holy Sureshot, I Actually Won Something...

> And with a Pentax!!
> The Detroit Zoological Society publishes a quarterly glossy for it's 
> 40,000
> plus members called "Habitat." Each issue has a themed photo contest and 
> at
> the end of the year they award a grand prize winner for the year.  As
> camera-types like Zoos, they get several hundred submissions each issue, 
> and
> the judging is done by the graphics firm that prepares the magazine. This
> year's Grand Prize winner is here:
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=5010343
> Of course, it's mine, and I'm quite proud that I won the thing my first 
> time
> entering a contest. Though the judges didn't know it, I'm a very active
> volunteer, and see a steady stream of Nikon, and worse, Canon, users each
> time I'm there. Too many, particularly of the latter, are strutting,
> pretentious sots, camera club types, who seem bent on acting out some
> fantasy of being serious photographers. Harsh language, I know, but my job
> is to engage them in conversation, and I get terribly tired of smilingly
> indulging that pretension. My revenge is the paragraph in the next issue
> that I get explaining that I shoot with Pentax, not Nikon nor Canon, gear.
> In this case with an ist D, and 180mm f 3.5 Sigma lens.  Take that, you
> weenies!!
> BTW, in the past year, I've been seeing more and more Pentax bodies 
> amongst
> the Nikons and Canons, where previously I saw none....
> Bill Sawyer
> Livonia, MI

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