What WR has just posted below is very true, BUT IT CONTRADICTS
his earlier strong opposite position in another long thread where I
stated that
in general, 35mm lenses are sharper than MedFormat lenses and
he took me to task in saying that I was wrong. Nice try,
William Robb. Have you now changed your position on the lens
sharpness vs format (coverage) issue to agree with me? It sure looks
like you


-----Original Message-----
William Robb
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 2:38 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: NO FS this Friday?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom C"
Subject: Re: NO FS this Friday?

> I'm curious if there are any lens test sites that compare chromatic 
> aberration and other factors of DA lenses with their closest legacy 
> equivalent.  I haven't looked but I'd be interested in seeing some 
> data on the subject.  The "exclusively designed for digital cameras" 
> phrase is certainly a marketing term, which leaves me feeling a little

> sceptical, the same way the 22-bit A/D converter and Prime engine, do.

> It sounds good but
> tells me nothing substantial.

Not that I've seen yet. I have a few samples of both older lenses and
in similar focl lengths, but I can't be bothered with doing formal tests
this point. My impression is that the DA lenses that I own are doing a 
better job of rendering images to the sensor than the older ones in
focal lengths.

> It doesn't make sense for Pentax (or other mfrs.) to tout backwards 
> lens compatibility and at the same time promote the "digitally 
> optimized" lenses as being especially desirable or preferrable to all 
> those compatible lenses,
> which is also a selling feature.   It makes a weird sort of marketing 
> sense,
> but I'd like to see numbers and photos showing exactly how the optics
> the
> newer lenses are *demonstrably* better than the legacy lenses,
> considering the image circle from a legacy lens is from the sweet spot

> when
> projected on an APS sized sensor.

Many years ago, I shot Nikon 35mm and Pentax 6x7. One of the selling
that I took into account when I switched 35mm sytems was the ability to 
mount my 6x7 glass onto Pentax 35mm cameras.
Unfortunately, I found that the 6x7 glass didn't render images to the 
smaller film format as well as I would have liked, so I ended up buying 
glass optimized for the 35mm film format.

We are in a similar situation now with digital. It is a different format

with different lens quality requirements.
That we can use older lenses is nice, but, like being able to mount a
lens onto an LX, there are compromises involved in doing so.

William Robb

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