EAT SHIT WILLIAM ROB, that is your thing isnt it?
Every time you are caught with your pants down
you avoid simple on topic questions and resort
to the stupid personal attackes because you cant
handle being exposed for what you are.
Why do you continually subject yourself to this
kind of flagrant revelation of your own gross stupidity?

Your numbers are total bullshit, most (nearly ALL!)  medium format
lenses are NOWWHERE near those numbers and you
know it. you're just trying to cover your own dumb ass. The 45mm is a
wide angle on a LARGER format than the hassy you fool.
Anyone with half a brain would not try to compare a 
45mm lens on a LARGER format with a 80mm lens on a smaller
format, I specifically stated at SAME focal length
or same angle of view, that a SMALLER format lens can
be made sharper, so you give the complete opposite as an example
to "prove" your point, are you really that stupid or
do you think we are all that dumb to not see thru your B.S?.
What total fucking asshole you are, you dont even understand
the question, let alone have a logical answer.

-----Original Message-----
William Robb
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 6:22 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: NO FS this Friday?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: RE: NO FS this Friday?

> And furthermore, your comments that PENTAX medimum
> format lenses "resolve quite a bit lower than average"
> is horseshit and it only further supports my point
> that generally 35mm lenses resolve better the MedFormat lenses do. A 
> few rare exceptions is not "general" situation. The general situation 
> is 35mm lenses are sharper than MedFormat lenses especially at a given

> focal length, but even generally the case at given angles of view too.

As an example, a Hassy 80mm (standard lens) can hit as hight as 107
the 38mm Biogon 106 lpmm.
Contrast that with the Pentax 6x7 105mm lens besting at 67 lpmm, the 45 
besting at 66 lpmm.
If this is what you call similar resolution, you have lost what little
you had left.
The 60's were obviously good to you.
BTW, you'll have a hard time besting the Hassy numbers with any 35mm

Anyway John, I've provided you with hard facts, you can ignore them at
leisure, and at this point, I will let the Wookie win.
And you are still a fuckface.

William Robb 

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