Say goodbye to infinity focus. The reason that FD stuff is cheap is that 
the register on FD is short (~42mm) and it won't reach infinity focus 
without optics on any DSLR mount other than 4/3rds.

Ditto for Konica AR and Minolta MD mounts (Man, I'd love a Hexanon AR 
57/1.2 on a 1.5x crop DSLR, if it was possible).


Collin R Brendemuehl wrote:
> I'm about to propose a heresy.
> Nothing that G K Chesterton or Cornelius Plantinga would write about, 
> but heresy never the less.
> It's come to my attention that a lot of old FD mount lenses are going 
> pretty cheap.  And the breech system attached to the
> outside of the body, not really internal .... soo
> Remove the mount from an old Canon body and fuse it to a screw-mount 
> adapter and voila -- a Canon-> Pentax adapter.
> Then just remove the aperture coupling from the lens.
> Next time I find an old FD body and lens that's worthless, I may give 
> it a try.  (I just saw an old Canon 300/4.5 going
> for a modest price and this idea entered my mind ...)
> Yes, it is heresy.  But can I be cleansed?  Somebody help me ... I've fallen.
> (Or is this a heresy/project better suited to Cotty?)
> Sincerely,
> Collin Brendemuehl
> "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose"
>                                                  -- Jim Elliott

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