Mirror height is about the same in the *ist-D[x] series, width changes 
with the Ds to the APS format.  I'd get an old A body I didn't care much 
about to experiment with.

Cory Papenfuss wrote:
>> Pentax K register distance is 45.46mm
>> Canon FD register distance is 42mm
>> This means that to alter an FD lens to fit a K mount  camera (without
>> using an adapter containing an optical element to correct for infinity
>> focus) you would have to remove over 3 and a half mil from the back of
>> the FD lens flange. If you're going to use a 42mm threaded adapter, then
>> add the thickness of the adapter to that. Might be problems in that
>> there's not enough room on the back of the FD lens before problems start
>> in terms of aperture ring etc. You may or may not have problems with the
>> rear element of the lens not clearing the mirror. I don't have an FD to
>> look at, but where there's a will, there's a way.
>> I have some links on the bottom of this page that might be of further
>> interest:
>> <http://www.cottysnaps.com/snaps/mods/details.html>
>> It's a big job but as an engineering exercise, viable, if expensive. Of
>> course, as a hobbyist, cost is not justifiable so go to it!
>       Registration distance will definately be a problem for this 
> exercise if you want to try to maintain infinity focus.  Last time I 
> handled an FD lens, the breech-lock seemed "smaller" in diameter to the 
> K-mount flange... Maybe it could be made to fit *inside* the K-mount body 
> by 3mm?  Of course mirror clearance is a big problem, but maybe for the 
> smaller mirrors of the APS-DSLRs it's OK?
> -Cory
>   --
> *************************************************************************
> * Cory Papenfuss, Ph.D., PPSEL-IA                                       *
> * Electrical Engineering                                                *
> * Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *
> *************************************************************************


The more I know of men, the more I like my dog.
                        -- Anne Louise Germaine de Stael

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