The key to getting a good white balance is to find and sample a light  
gray area, not a white area...


On Feb 13, 2007, at 2:23 AM, John Whittingham wrote:

> It's great when you have a definitive reference for white, but  
> caused me no
> end of trouble with my recent Cormorant cock-up 8)
> Eventually selecting "as shot" for the starting point, some of the  
> other
> default settings seem way off the mark, such as "daylight", "cloudy"
> and "shade"!!!?
> The eyedropper in Capture One Pro seems to do a better job, but no  
> support
> for K10D yet, I'm saving my one free upgrade for that :)
> On the flip side, Capture One has a real dogs dinner of a GUI but I  
> guess
> it's a case of RTFM 8)

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